52 Week Community Challenge Tips & Tricks

with Lisa Edney

I completed my first 365 project in 2009 and have been part of "mostly 365 projects" since 2015. “Mostly 365”? Sometimes life gets in the way, and I may skip a day (or three) here or there. It’s my project with my rules, so that’s totally okay! With a 52 project, you can be more flexible since you have 7 days to capture your shot for the week.

I wanted to share some tips and tricks that can make your 52 project more successful.

1)  Always have your camera: with you, out (or handy), and ready to grab at a moment's notice. Don’t be afraid to pack it in your purse or bag for the day. I’ve been known to pull my camera out at the grocery store, movie theater, office, and restaurants.

2)  Cell Phones count! They can take amazing photos. Don’t be afraid to shoot with your cell phone. Fleeting moments, normally missed, can be quickly captured. All the same tips, tricks, and topics for photography apply to get a beautiful photo.

3)  Schedule and plan a time with yourself. It doesn’t have to be long; a 5 minute walk to get the mail, 10 minutes before or after breakfast/dinner or 30 minutes for a walk at the park or an urban area you love to explore. Shoot what captures your eye.

4)  Develop a habit of practice. Not every week needs to be a ‘frame worthy' shot. While I do encourage intentionality, sometimes shooting a subject multiple times is the only way to get your vision to come to life. (I have a few shots I’ve created 2, 3 or 4 times over months before creating what I saw in my mind’s eye!) This is a safe space to explore and grow your photography!

5)  Keep a list of ideas. You can use your cell phone, a sticky note, or a notebook to jot down an idea that comes to you.

6)  Shoot what catches your eye. A pretty patch of light, a sweeping sunset, a pretty flower, a great hair day, dirty child hands exploring the world… your imagination is the limit!

7)  Shoot, and keep shooting even through a slump. More on this to come, but there are several “rut busters” out there that can help you get your mojo back… and this community is here to encourage you as well!

8)  Create Goals: What do you want to achieve with your 2022? Become more proficient with using your camera? Learning to shoot in different types of light? Bringing your vision or project to life?

9)  Encourage each other. Find someone who's art inspires you. Click on their name and follow them here on the forum. Their new posts will show in your notifications. Leave an encouraging word or two on their posts. This will motivate both you and the recipient to keep shooting. And, positivity towards one another is so important to keep this a safe place to post, explore, and express yourself. 

10)  Finally, give yourself GRACE! This is your project & your rules. In 2021, I spent three weeks going through older edits instead of creating new content every day. It was a deliberate decision that allowed me to catch up on some vacation images I wanted to edit and uncover gems from the ‘cutting room floor’!

I am so excited to share this journey with you! Do you have any tips or tricks to share? I’d love to add to my toolbox!

We couldn’t be more excited to announce that Lisa is now a Gather Pro. She completed and rocked the program to becoming a Gather Pro. Lisa is helping us head up the 52 Week Community Challenge. Please stay tuned for more amazing news coming soon. Congratulations Lisa! We are so honored to be on this journey with you.




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