Community Conversations Interview with Carol

Thank you for taking part in our Community Conversations interview Carol! What brought you to Gather Academy in the first place?  

I saw a Lensbaby workshop that April was teaching here at Gather. Ever since then, I’ve taken a class almost every month. I had a ton of growth and loved the community that came with the classes, so I was hooked!

Congratulations on becoming a Gather Pro and making plans to teach your first workshop soon. Can you tell us more about this?

Thank you! Yes! I’m super excited to be teaching a double exposures class alongside my mentor,  April Milani. We are teaching doubles in camera, in Photoshop, film, and so much more! It’s been a big part of my photography and I’m excited to share my knowledge. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

What’s next for you? Where can you see your photography heading in 2023?

I’m always excited to continue my photography education, which always gets me inspired to create more.  This month I got accepted as a Lensbaby Ambassador, which was a HUGE goal of mine, so I’m excited for the next adventure!

Can you tell us a bit about your personal photography journey thus far?

I’ve been with a camera as long as I can remember and was called the paparazzi by my friends as a teenager since I was always taking pictures of our daily shenanigans. I got a little more serious 20 years ago, when I got the opportunity to take landscape pictures for our family restaurants, then like a lot of photographers, had my own children and got obsessed with portraits and  family; most recently nature and self portraits. I stopped taking clients a few years ago since my teenagers have me so busy, so I’ve been able to focus on my education and creative work. Most of my images are of my kids, but occasionally I get a new muse, which I always enjoy!

Lensbaby lenses play a big part in your photographic practice, as do flower and nature photographs. Can you share with us what you love about these and how you like to work with them? 

I love the dreamy feel of Lensbaby lenses so I love to incorporate flower and nature images in my double exposures. Recently I’ve really loved bringing “the outside in” with my portrait work. 

Where in the world are you, and what can you see right now? 

I live in Ventura, CA and I am lucky enough to live on the beach…so as we speak I’m staring at the ocean and some great surf! I get a nice mix of blue skies and lots of foggy days which I love.

When you are not busy photographing, what else might you be doing in your spare time?

You can find me traveling or driving my kids to all of their sports, exploring light, walking on the beach, and more driving. I joke that I’m an unpaid Uber driver. 

Tell us one thing about you that often surprises people? 

I am both an extrovert and introvert. I LOVE socializing but I definitely get super nervous beforehand when it’s a group I don’t know well, then need time to myself afterwards to recharge. 

What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?  

That is one that brings back memories and makes me laugh. I wanted to be a nun like my aunt. She is kind, giving AND hilarious. I love being around her! I have a huge family and I am the oldest of all of my cousins and I talked them ALL into being nuns. We all changed our minds pretty quickly though.

Tell us a bit about your journey, your photographic style and what you love to photograph?  

I’ve been trying to find my way as a photographer for a long time. I felt like something was missing in my images and it wasn’t until I discovered Lensbaby lenses that I realized what it was. The lenses add a dreamlike quality that I’m in love with. I realized why I was more “moved” by the “accidentally out of focus” image more than my tact sharp ones. I love taking pictures of light, shadows, silhouettes, water, and my kids when they let me. 

Whose work has influenced you most? 

I admire so many artists! Because of Gather, I love exploring painters as well as photographers. Some of my favorites include Claude Monet, William Turner, Yan Palmer, Brooke Shaden, Manuela Thames, and of course April Milani!

Can you share your favorite photograph (that you created), and tell us some more about it?  

Right now one of my favorites is a double exposure I created in the Color of Emotions class during The Red Ribbon challenge.  I had taken the class twice so I really had to push myself to not create the same thing. I learned how great it feels to create an image with so much meaning, even though others may not know the exact meaning of it…so it almost feels like a little secret! It’s not a perfect image, but it’s one that makes me know I can push myself creatively. 

Photography is not always easy, right?! What do you find is your biggest struggle with it?  

It’s not easy….but that’s why I love it. It challenges both sides of my brain in so many ways. The technical aspect, trying to find your voice, learning a new technique, deciding what direction to go, clients or no clients….so many decisions and the only way to decide is by immersing yourself. That’s why it’s hard to leave the camera at home. Sometimes I “hide behind my camera”, which gives me a different perspective when I’m at a game or social function. It’s good to take a break and just be in the moment.

If you could take a photograph of anyone in the world (past or present, famous or not) who would it be?  

My incredible 90 year old grandmother…  I have so many memories of her growing up and it’s been years since I’ve seen her. I’m excited to go back to San Salvador with some of my family in October and am hopeful to get some portraits of her.

To wrap things up, can you share with us any future plans for your photography or any long term goals you are hoping to achieve? 

I would love to one day exhibit my art and to continue exploring my teaching skills. 


Dogs or Cats? Dogs (I am highly allergic to cats!)

Call or Text? Call me for long conversations for sure, but I love the quick text saying “I’m thinking about you”

Coffee or Tea? Both

Winter or Summer? Both (it’s the Gemini in me!) Plus I live in California so we don’t have extreme seasons here. It all mushes together!

Introvert or Extrovert? Both!! I’m an introverted extrovert!


Gather Masters- Month Of July


Community Conversations interview with Liz Willson