June 2022 | Food Photography

With Lisa Edney

Welcome to June!

This month we will be focusing on food photography.

There are limitless ways to portray food as a photography subject; however, we can continue to leverage techniques learned in previous months to create amazing food images.


Keep it Simple |

Amazing food photography needn’t be complex. A simple subject can be a great place to start. The following egg and I spent a morning together exploring light in the house until we arrived at a few enjoyable creations. What would your egg challenge reveal?

Vary Angles and Perspectives |

Varying perspectives can include shooting straight on (see egg images above), tops down or at an angle (below image of cookies). These perspectives can give a different feel to your subject, conveying a different story.

Consider which element of your food is the most alluring and leverage that perspective to entice your viewer. The image at left works best at an angle to capture the details on top of the cookies as well as give depth to the cookies by showing their height and layers.

Keep an eye on your background to minimize distractions and remove elements that will take away from your main subject and story. 

Right: A Flat Lay (tops down) image showcases the beautiful foam designs in the tops of the coffee cups. The varying layer heights also increase appeal. The base layer is composed of the  table & napkins. The next layer contains the scone and bag. Finally, the height of the coffee cups above the other items completes the scene. Want to learn more about Flat Lay images? : Digital Photography School Article

Leverage Light |

From Flat/even light (like above image) to more dramatic light (below), you can use light to tell your story. 

You may be used to working with natural and window light. This month, explore highlighting your subject with a flashlight or phone light to create a more dramatic effect on your food subject. A tripod can be beneficial if your light is low and you need a slower shutter speed.

Above: Off Camera Flash was used with the Lensbaby Sweet 50 to highlight the subject and let the background fall off into darkness.

Play with Colors |

We spent May exploring color and the play can continue into June as well. You can use tablecloths, napkins, plates and other household items to hold your food and create visual color interest.

Right: the red, yellow and oranges pop from the blue background. The vibrant colors giving a sense of party or celebration.

Textures |

From the textures of the food itself to the items you use to plate or accentuate your food, texture can play a very important role in your food photography.

By using side light, the rind of the lemon is accentuated and slicing open the lemon with juice on the foreground gives this image a fresh feel. You can almost smell the lemon and feel the lemon taste in your mouth.  

Food, Family and Friends |

There is something about a scrumptious meal made with or by others that encourages documentation- capturing the moment can add a personal element to your story.


Community Conversations interview with Liz Willson


Flower Photography