Thank You, Photography, with Leanne ❤️ Trivett

Leanne Trivett joined Gather at the beginning of 2021 and is a treasured member of our community, enlisting in multiple workshops and frequently sharing her work through the 365 group. Her photography is fuelled with emotive and powerful self-portraits, dreamy landscapes and surrealist flower photography.

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Photographer. Musician. Traveller.

Color and Infrared.

Turning Nature’s Acoustics into Life’s Stills.


Hi. My name is Leanne and I like to take photos. I have been deeply connected to music and photography since I was little. I love to mix imagery and sound and intertwine them into a photographic experience. I love Color, B&W, Abstract, Self Portraiture Experimentation, and also Clouds, Veggies, Unicorns, and Gummy Bears.

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My experience with the camera goes way back to when I was young and always had a simple point and shoot camera. I grew up using it to take photos of friends and capture musical experiences through the teen years and into college. I studied musical theatre at NYU in New York City and this gave me the opportunity to take pictures in a fabulous big city with architecture, street scenes, and creative actor friends. The camera was always a friend and I loved having it along for the ride.

A few years ago I wanted to take a break from performing and really channel my creativity into something new. I wanted something that would let me speak my voice and explore myself - like I had done with music.

I remembered my old friend, Photography, and how it had been there all these years. How I had used it to capture moments along the way and that I connected to that. I thought, well it is time to celebrate her and bring her into the light. I decided to buy a DSLR that day, my first serious camera, and I have never looked back.

That day I bought my first camera, and then it sat in the box for a few weeks. What do I do? I was a little overwhelmed by the intensity of it - buttons, menus, lenses, things that screwed on and what do you do with your image? I decided, like I normally do with things, to GO FOR IT. I signed up for a few fun travel workshops and pushed myself. I went to the Mountains and to Yellowstone in winter - not knowing how to use a tripod or even really know how to work my camera. I packed up and pushed myself into the experience and what a ride!!! I learned simple photographic basics and just kept building on it. I got much more then I bargained for at that time of the Yellowstone Expedition, even a Husband, and it has been AMAZING.

Since then I have travelled every year to exotic places, with a photographers or with my husband, and we shoot, laugh, have a few beers, and explore. This has been so fulfilling to my soul, to express myself through a camera into an image - what am I seeing? Hearing? Feeling? Capturing? I took photos of everything from bison in the snow, to waterfalls in Iceland, group shots of us travellers and our activities, landscapes in Canada and Scotland, and loved it all.

Then Covid hit. I hate to even talk about it, but that brought my world to my home and family in a way that was new, challenging, and grounding. I could not travel and was home all the time and had to mentally work through it all. It was a long year. In November 2020, I saw a feature on April Milani. I saw her images and read her words posted with them. I saw the color and her photographs and was WOWed. I was completely inspired. I had not picked up my camera for months and months, a year or so in fact. Seeing April’s work stirred something up in me. I needed to know more.

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When I am inspired like that, I usually go for it, whatever it may be. So in this instance, I would find the artist online and see if they have any books or teach or have an online presence. I found April and enjoyed seeing her work online. I didn’t find April to be teaching at that time, but I never forgot her images and how they moved me.

Then in December 2020, I saw a feature on Ute Reckhorn and I was blown away. Another female artist that I was totally inspired by. I loved her color, her style, her imagery. I wanted to know more. I looked Ute up and found her online. She had posted something about Gather Academy. I found the website and saw that she was teaching and she teaching classes with April! They knew each other! I thought, well this is going to be good!

I was filled with excitement!!!!!!!!!

I had not taken any online photo classes or been on any workshops in over a year. My camera was dusty. Where is an empty chip, do I still have a battery charger, what did all my cords mean? Did not matter - I was Inspired and wanted to go.

For my birthday in March 2021, I signed up for my first class - The Colour of Emotion with April Milani; and that was IT. I was nervous, and what was it going to be about, I had never zoomed before, what do I do? It didn’t matter - I was diving right back into the creative pool of Photography and I couldn’t wait.

I have now been at Gather for several classes and have taken more pictures since March then I had in 2 years. Gather is a supportive community with amazing teachers and classrooms. I made wonderful friends and connections and felt safe to post and share. Gather is community built by creative artists who are amazing in their art, but also are inspiring teachers. Gather and April breathed life into me and my camera and I have not stopped. I have been creating images I connect with and that carry messages of emotion and meaning. I have been reborn into my Photography journey and I am so, so grateful.

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Hi again. My name is Leanne and I LOVE to take photos, creating Nature’s Acoustics into Life’s Stills. I am a creative, passionate force that is on a journey of self exploration and I can’t wait to see what’s next!! I want to use sound and imagery to express my world and my life and I want to grow as an artist. I love Color, B&W. Abstract, Self Portraiture Experimentation, and I STILL love Clouds, Veggies, Unicorns, and Gummy Bears.




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