MEET APRIL MILANI - Get To Know Your Instructors!

Our Instructor team is made up of a bunch of talented photographers with a huge variety of skills, personalities and interests. Each one of our Instructors are passionate about photography and are all hands on deck when it comes to teaching their workshops. They spend countless hours getting to know you and understanding where in your photography journey you are.

But what about their journey? Read on as we take a dive into their worlds, and get to know your Instructors …

April Milani, one of the founding members of Gather Academy is a one of a kind! Her creative mind and unconventional photographs journey us into an imaginary world filled with colour, emotion and fairytale-like imagery. She is a Lensbaby Trailblazer and leader in the Lensbaby arena. Read on as she shares with us some of her quirkier details….



Where in the world are you, and what can you see right now? Sweet Home Alabama!

This weekend marks the beginning of summer. The kids are out of the school, the pools are full and the beach is ready for us to come play!


When you are not busy photographing, what else might you be doing in your spare time? Teaching, writing, crafting anything I can get my hands on. I just got my new mountain bike, so I'll be hitting the trails.

Tell us one thing about you that often surprises people? Good question! I'm an open book so I'm pretty sure I've put it all out there. LOL!


What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid? A doctor or a painter

Tell us a bit about your journey, your photographic style and what you love to photograph? My artistic journey started as a very young girl. I came from a family of artists so you can say it is in my blood. I have alway loved photography. Having children really made my passion become my hobby, then my career. Now as a teacher of my passion I can truly say I am living my dream and following ancestors. I love to photograph anything and everything.

Whose work has influenced you most? Life!

Can you share your favourite photograph (that you created), and tell us some more about it?

This is a photo I took of brothers, twins. Both on the spectrum. Both supporting one another. Most beautiful moment.

Photography is not always easy, right?! What do you find is your biggest struggle with it? Finding the time. I feel like the day goes by too fast.

If you could take a photograph of anyone in the world (past or present, famous or not) who would it be?

“Freddie Mercury, He is my spirit brother”.


Dogs or Cats?  Dogs.

Call or Text? Call (depending on who it is!).

Coffee or Tea? Coffee with one raw sugar in the morning, Ice tea in the afternoon.

Winter or Summer? Winter, but its summer so Ill embrace the day.

Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert to the fullest!



April loves to share her knowledge and throws herself into each and every one of her workshops. You can follow her personal work on Facebook and Instagram.


Kathleen Clemons shows you how to work with her new textures


MEET KATHLEEN CLEMONS - Get To Know Your Instructors!